It cannot be beat! I was afraid I might have to hire a professional to clean the carpet and that I might have to completely repaint walls, but no. Before you try or use anything, buy this.
No stains or color change to the carpet or the walls or the white painted surfaces. Lo and behold! I completely cleaned the window sills, the window shades, the baseboards, the walls and the carpeting! You cannot even tell it happened. I used it today, after days of doing nothing, mostly because I was afraid to make it worse. I eventually landed on a source in the UK which spoke specifically about Wine Away Red Wine Stain Remover. I left it that way for a few days in order to research the best way to hopefully clean it up without negative results. Promising review: 'Awesome product! I had an unfortunate accident where a guest knocked over a glass of port wine from an end table which splashed on white window shades, white window sills, white baseboards, taupe-colored painted walls and white with dark beige carpeting. It’s one of those cleaning products that works on even the most unexpected messes. (What can I say? I have an elderly dog.) Sommeliers, bartenders and maître d’s have long sworn by this trusty, never-fail wine-spill solution, which I learned firsthand when I worked as a restaurant hostess right out of college. It's the perfect food and drink stain remover, though I've used it on dirt, mud and vomit stains as well.